In 2012, Rose Broome walked buy a homeless woman sleeping on a San Francisco street on a winter night and wanted to do something to help. She thought, “in a world where I can take out my phone and order food or get a taxi with the push of a button, why can’t I use my phone to help this person?” Rose decided to create a solution to that problem with her tech company HandUP. The company leverages technology and the power of human relationships to fight urban poverty by connecting the homeless with those who want to help through crowdfunding. HandUP is different because it creates a connection between donors and those in need by allowing direct giving.
Rose discusses her journey with HandUP and all the things that went into creating the company. She credits much of HandUP success to being a graduate of Tumml Incubator and stresses the importance of being involved with a startup accelerator, incubator, or other community. She also dives into her decision to be a public benefit corporation and gives great advice to new startup founders trying to decide on a legal structure. Rose tells numerous stories of how direct donations through HandUP changed the lives of people living on the streets including the story of a man who is now in permanent housing after being homeless for 25 years.
Show Notes:
What is a book we should all start reading?
The Art of Forgiveness,Lovingkindness, and Peace -- by Jack Kornfield
What tech tool are you using to grow HandUP?:
Assana--task management that works in conjunction with google drive
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received:
When you feel like you have a lot going on and have many decisions to make, focus on the basics.
What is one thing we can all be doing to start changing the world?
Make a commitment to yourself to do one small thing to improve a cause or issue you care about.