This Podcast is all about the best ways to FUND YOUR SOCIAL VENTURE. Listen in to gain expert insight and learn the best practices to raise capital from legitimate investors from our guest Tristina Sinopoli. Tristina works with the SVX (Social Venture Connection) which is a division of the MaRS Center for Impact Investing in Toronto, Canada. There are 23 ventures on the SVX platform that are actively raising $139 million in capital. SVX is a local, impact-first platform connecting social ventures, impact funds and impact investors to catalyze new debt and equity investment capital for local ventures that have demonstrable social and/or environmental impact, including not-for-profits, co-operatives and for-profit corporations. Tristina addresses many of the issues specific to funding startups in the social venture space. She also explains the idea of MISSION ALIGNMENT and why it so vital to getting the right funding from the right investors from your social venture. For anyone concerned with how to fund their social venture this interview with Tristina is a MUST LISTEN!
Show Notes:
v What is the best book you ever read?
§ Buyology by Martin Lindstrom
v What tool are you using to grow SVX?
§ Salesforce—online CRM and Cloud Computing Platform
v What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
§ Say no to things.
v What is a social venture that we should all look up?
§ Oliberte—The worlds first certified free trade shoe manufacturer.
§ Goal of creating a million jobs in Africa.
v What is the first thing everyone can start doing to change the world.
§ Be nice to one another.
v Contact:
§ Twitter: @tmsinopoli