Looking to add a new revenue stream help fund your Nonprofit or Social Enterprise?
Try becoming a blimpies franchisee.
That’s exactly what Bobby Calvillo did as the executive director of Affordable Homes of South Texas. The nonprofit has been around nearly 40 years and has place thousand of low income families in affordable homes within the Rio Grande Valley. Affordable Homes of South Texas is a unique organization in that it works a subdivision developer, builder and mortgage company for low income families in need of suitable affordable housing. Listen as Bobby tell his story of converting a vacant commercial space within their office building into a blimpies franchise. Bobby talks about how he saw a need in his small texas community for a place where students and workers could get a quick bite to eat. He also saw the benefits of a popular restaurant as a source of revenue to fund Affordable Homes of South Texas… A year later the Blimpie’s is doing well and looks to be a viable source of revenue for Bobby’s nonprofit.
Listen in to find out more!
Show Notes
Inspirational Quote:
“501c3 is a !RS designation and not a business plan”
Best Piece of Advice you have ever received:
Don’t take no for an answer.
Best book you have ever read:
Real Men Pray to the Rosary by David Calvillo
Fun Thing you do when social business gets you down?
Getting to know and having fun with employees
First Thing that everyone can start doing right now to start changing the world?
Closing Advice for Nonprofits:
If you can’t do it In-house, than don’t do it.
Make sure that your organization has the capacity to undertake it.
Find the right partner.