Still feeling sluggish after all of that turkey over Thanksgiving? Then listen to our Podcast full of inspiration from Charlie Rose, Senior VP and Dean of City Year. City Year is a nonprofit organization dedicated to getting young adults engaged in national service. Charlie and City Year participants work improve education in urban areas and to bridge the gap between what schools and teachers can provide and what students actually need. City Year is comprised of over 3,000 young people in over 25 U.S. Cities, all working to increase graduation rates,change lives, and change communities. City Year has also influenced the shape of Social Change Nation as our founder was a proud alum of City Year: Cleveland in 2003.
Charlie Rose shares his story of help building a vital institution that is helping to grow the national serving, volunteering, and education innovation movements. He talks the logistics of running a large non-profit with many corporate sponsors and a revenue generating division. Chris is a powerful motivator and will leave you feeling inspired to make a difference. This podcast is a must listen for all of you inspirational quote junkies out there as Chris drops some awesome lines of his own and quotes others! Here is a little taste:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”--Margaret Mead
Show Notes
Who is your Hero?
Dad, Mom, and Muhammad Ali
What is your favorite tool you use to grow City Year?
What is the best piece of advice you ever received?
The six most important words a leader can say are, “I admit I made a mistake.”
What is the comfort food you turn to when the world's problems get you down?
What is the first thing we can all start doing to change the world?
Change your own attitude and the you can start to change the world.